I work with them and so do you…there’s no getting around it, no putting it on the side…you know who they are.
They smile in your face, play the extrovert full of empathy that’s really apathy meanwhile you see the fakeness, the fake emotions while they shove you under the bus.
“Play the game” close confidents whisper in your ear. Nod your head, say yes and pamper their whimsical hysterical demands. Hey, they make more than you so suck it up.
When the time comes when enough is enough, do you go postal, cursing with eloquent profanity, blazing high pitched and on target as you sashay out the door?
Or do you smile, weakly, tuck the tail up where the sun can’t shine, walk backwards out the door, bowing and saying, “Oh so sorry. Me quit”.
Who has the answers to dealing with those ‘smiling faces’ 35 plus hours a week?
I don’t.
Actually, I do.
From those packs of smiling hyenas there are those who shine through.
They are sincere…
They are supportive…
They are encouraging…
They are…
the coworkers you love to work with!
But always remember: