Invierno (Winter)
Mi Alma duerme
My soul sleeps
For winter
Happy in the cold
Warm in the body
Embraced at night with furs that live
Wrapped in a sheet with feathers dead
Bring comfort to a comatose mind
La Primavera (Spring)
Mi alma baila
My soul dances
For the air is tinged
With energy and rebirth
Resetting my soul to sync
Within nature at its most
Obvious time
El Verano (Summer)
Mi alma se sienta con el sol
My soul sits with the sun
Moving in slow mo’
Jiggly with passion
Humid, Heat, Hotness
Because she can
El Otoño (Fall)
Mi alma duele con recuerdos de Perdida
My soul hurts with memories of loss
Diá de Muertos
The altar once filled with marigolds and
Bits of food, pictures of the elders
Sits in a cardboard box in the closet
Because I cannot, love cannot
Add you to them
Wood and paper come from trees
Heart and lungs rule the body
Loss and love nailed in the alma
Scars deeply